A Historic Road-trip to Thatta

Thatta, a UNESCO World Heritage site, is located about 150 km from Karachi, Pakistan and is home to one of the oldest/largest necropolis in the world, with tombs dating back to the 14th century. A friend’s family generously took me there last Sunday and it was refreshing to soak in some history (never a favorite subject in school). On our way back, we stopped at a dig-site which goes by the name of Bhambore, home to a 2nd century BC civilization. Presented here are a few shots that I took there as well as along the way. Hope you like them!

Resting in the shade

The corridors of a mausoleum

Another view of the corridor

The mausoleum

Engravings on a Grave

The arches

Through the looking glass

The way I was, before the sands of time passed me by

Long gone, I still linger

Arch-ed nemesis

Bite me

The snake charmer

Shahjahani Masjid

Depth perception

Arching it up

Under the dome

Timeless tiling

The arabesque - the corner-stone of Islamic architecture

Glass bangles

A 1000-year old bowl

Barbers of the past - broken scissors found at the dig-site

Girl's best friend - semi-precious

The ruins o' Bhambhore - remind me of Ozymandias

Going their separate ways

Leaving time behind

Roll over and play dead

Donkey, where's Shrek?

When all you've left is hope

Sindh Road Truckers

Junk in the trunk