Weekly Photo Challenge – Geometry

Look around you – geometry is everywhere. Be it a dandelion in a grassy field or something seemingly chaotic as a fractal, every structure can be broken down to its physical aspects of shape, size, angles, and how it interacts with the space around it.  This week’s theme is essentially an open window of opportunity, where virtually any submission and its geometric facets can be explored.

I always find geometry synonymous with all things constructive and creative; symmetry, however, is a whole different ball-game. Starting from the grand design of the universe to the tiniest pulsar, everything has been carefully crafted and intelligently designed. The same can be said for man-made structures, architectures that demand respect. Here is one such example. Even though the featured image is of a sky-light at Dubai Festival City (I love how the light plays off the shiny surface), the other geometric marvels are featured as a gallery below. Hope you enjoy them.

16 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge – Geometry

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry « What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Weekly photo challenge – Geometry | An Ulsterman Abroad

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Geometry (3) « What's (in) the picture?

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